
Chapter one: Sides of a Coin.

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Literature Text

               Chapter one: Why are you in such a rush?
 The Kanto region it’s known for its trainers and Pokémon.  The Hoenn region it’s known for its contests and Grand Festival. Every child has the right to become a trainer or coordinator at the age of 10. Why am I explaining this to you? You should probably know this by now. OH! All the regions for the sake of variety decided to host contests.  That should be everything let’s go meet our protagonists!
 "Aleks get your butt out here we have to go see the Professor!" Aria screamed at the top of her lungs to her best friend. “Give me five more minutes! It’s not like the Professor’s lab is a few blocks away or anything! Why are you in such a hurry?” Aleks yelled back through the window. "Our birthday is today! We get our starters today! I'm just super excited!"  Aleks walked away from the window and started to walk down stairs as slow as he could. "QUIT TEASING! You're so mean! Come on let's get going! Please!"  Aleks finally reached the bottom step and turned to Aria just to have her say…”Finally! You’re so damn slow. We have to get to the first gym before the day ends.” Aleks looked at her and replied, “Aria. It’s barely after eight. We have more than enough time to get our partners.” Aria getting annoyed with Aleks walked away. Aleks closed the door and followed at a slow pace. Mumbling he said “I didn’t mean to offend.” “Well you did!” Aria said huffy.  Aleks stayed quiet for the rest of trip to the Professor’s lab.
 “Arceus Aleks! Could you walk any slower?” “I’m sorry; you walk pretty quick…Oh hey. We’re here. What do you think you’re going to get from Professor Green?” Aria pondered this for some moment, before responding, “Squirtle. Totally Squirtle. Now instead of talking about this let’s go get them!” Aria pushed the door open and walked inside the lab. “Hey...You didn’t ask me…” Aleks mumbled, before following Aria. “Hey! Green are you here?” Aria asked loudly. “He might be taking care of the Poke-eggs Aria. Let’s wait a little longer.” Aleks said before sitting on a nearby chair. “But he’s the professor! He has to be here! That’s what he does!” “Does what? Wait until trainers are old enough to get Pokémon? That’s not all Professor Green does Ari.” “Yes that’s exactly what he does! And don’t call me Ari!” Aria snapped at Aleks.
Green entered the lab and over heard what Aria had said. “So is that all I do?” “Yes that’s all he does Aleks!” Aria was close to screaming at this point. Aleks was wearing Aria’s patience thin. “That wasn’t me. That was Professor Green.” Aria stared blankly at Aleks before the realization hit her. She slowly turned to face Green and laughed thoroughly embarrassed. “I’m sorry on behalf on my friend.” Aleks said then smiled. “So I heard you wanted your Pokémon?” Aria composed herself and calmly replied “Yes.” Green crossed his arms and asked, “Well what would you like? At the moment I have Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and an egg.” Aria said as quick as a whip “I’d love Squirtle please!” Green uncrossed his arms, reached into a pocket and pulled out a Heal Ball. “I only have Squirtle in this. I hope you don’t mind.” Green tossed her the Heal ball which Aria caught. “YES. YES!” Aleks smiled at Aria and said “Well you seem happy.” Green then looked at Aleks and asked “Well what would you like?” Aleks pondered this for a moment. “Do you have Eevee?”  Green put a hand to his chin and stayed quiet for a moment before responding, “I do, but…Well…It’s a not a starter. It won’t be as strong as a starter would be. It’ll also put you at a disadvantage at the first gym.” Green’s opinion didn’t bother Aleks. If anything it slightly annoyed him. “Professor as much as I value your opinion, I’d like the Eevee as my partner, having a Pikachu didn’t deter Red from battling Brock.” Green was taken aback by what Aleks had said. “Well alright then. Let me go get it.” Green walked to a door in the back of the lab and walked out of it. Aria then turned to Aleks and gave him a questioning look. Aleks look at Aria and just stared at her blankly. Aria asked Aleks “Why an Eevee?” Aleks quickly explained “I just like Eevee. Plus I like the challenge of going to Forrest's gym with a normal type.” Aria crossed her arms and replied, “So you’re going to catch a Caterpie and evolve it into a Butterfree.” Aleks smiled before saying “That’s the plan.” “Aleks.” Green walked through the back door holding a strangely colored Poke Ball. “This is Eevee’s Poke Ball.” Aleks got up and walked over to Green and grabbed the Poke Ball. “Thank you Professor.” “You’re welcome…Oh and before I forget. You two need Pokedexes.” Green reached into his pocket and took out two Pokedexes. Green handed them over to Aleks. “Good luck on your journey, oh and if you see Red give him this.” Green yet again reached into his pocket and pulled out a box and handed it to Aleks. “Okay Professor.”  Aleks turned to Aria. “Come on, let’s go.” “Yeah! I’ve been waiting forever!” Aria half walked half ran to the front door. “Come on Aleks! Let’s start!”. “Good bye Professor.” Aleks then followed Aria to the door. “Good luck you two!” Green said before Aria and Aleks walked out.
Both Aria and Aleks were admiring their new partner’s Poke Balls when Aria had a brilliant idea. “Aleks we have to battle!” “Uh…Aria I don’t think that’s the best idea. We haven’t even bonded with them. We should give them a couple of nights before we battle. I promise we will then.” Aria nodded, “I’m holding you to that.” “Well we’d better get started. Forrest’s gym is two towns away so I guess we can go there first.” “Actually Aleks…I heard there was a contest in Viridian and I kind of wanted to enter. Could we stop there for a moment?” “Oh. Of course, first step Viridian City then.”
“Aleks we’ve been walking for hours! How much longer!”  Aleks stopped walking, “If you want we can rest here Aria.” Without hesitation Aria walked over to a nearby stump and sat down. “Finally a break!” Aleks sat on the floor and took out Eevee’s Poke Ball. “So what have you decided to call your Squirtle? I’m calling my Eevee, Sin.” Aria laughed and said “Sin? It’s an Eevee. That’s not very appropriate name for it.” Aleks gave Aria of look filled with so much scorn it caused her to flinch. “Hey I didn’t mean anything by it!” “Then you didn’t have to say that so well.” “You’re so mean Aleks! Well since you asked I called it Blaster.” “…Uhh. Well. Let’s go Sin!” Aleks threw the Poke Ball up letting the newly dubbed Eevee out of it. “It’s cute, but I’m sure my Pokémon it cuter!” Aria threw her Poke Ball and let her newly dubbed Squirtle out. She squealed and said “See! It’s so much cuter!” Aleks just sighed and said “Over here Sin.” “Vui!” The Eevee scampered over to Aleks and curled up in his lap. “My Pokémon is much better, Blaster over here.” The Squirtle still a little dazed from being in the Poke Ball walked over to Aria…But fell. Blaster then got up and walked over to Aria and sat down next to the stump. “I guess your Pokémon it cute…” “You guess? It’s cuter then yours!” Aria said loudly. Aleks sighed and closed his eyes, “You wanted a break so be quiet and take it. You’re wasting your energy yelling at me.” Aria kept quiet for a moment before saying, “I am not yelling.” “Whatever.”
“Well here’s Viridian City. I’ll wait for you here with Sin.” Aria looked at Aleks blankly before grabbing his wrist. “Nope, you’re coming with me!” Aria started walking forcing Aleks and Sin to follow. “You’re going to mess up my wrist.” “It’s not like you’re going to use your arm for anything!” “…Touché.”
And so our heroes, for the time being, are staying in the Viridian Pokémon Center. Aleks a little grumpy from being half dragged to the Pokémon Center sat down and started to comb Sin’s fur. “Vui!” Sin enjoyed the attention. Aria excited to have her Pokémon, is full of energy. Resting and making sure her Pokémon is clean is the last thing on Aria’s mind. "Hey...Aria shouldn't you practice a bit with...Blaster before entering the contest?” Aleks questioned as Aria was admiring her Squirtle, Blaster.  “That’s a good point. I should probably work on getting him to like me huh?” “That sounds like a good idea…Oh that reminds me. Here, your Pokedex.” Aleks reached into his pocket to take out Aria’s Pokedex. He then tossed it to Aria who catches it. “Hey Aleks, I’m going outside for a moment. Don’t wait up.” “Don’t worry wasn’t planning to.” Aria picked up Blaster and walked outside to the battle field. “Vui?” Aleks then looked at the Eevee in his lap and continued to comb it.
Aria kneeled down and smiled at her Pokémon. “Alright Blaster. I’m your new trainer Aria, A-R-I-A.” She extended her hand out which Blaster took. They both shook and Aria moved her hand back. Blaster then looked at her. “Squirt!” “Let’s see what your moves are here…” Aria took out her Pokedex and scanned Squirtle. “So Tail Whip and Bubble…That’s not a lot to go on…I don’t know what level you get another move either.”  “Level 7.” “Huh?” Aria turned around to see Aleks with Sin on his shoulder. “I thought you were inside?” “I got bored. Plus I thought we might train a little?” Aria smiled before saying, “Sure, your Pokémon needs it.” Aleks sighed and turned to the forest-y area of Viridian. “Well let’s go train then!”
 Aria collapsed on her knees before saying frustrated “Weedle after Weedle after Weedle! I’m tired of these bugs!” Aleks threw a Pokeball at a bush before saying “I’m sorry you don’t like bug Pokémon, but we did need to train.” Aleks then walked over to the bush to grab his Poke Ball. “…Why did you throw that?” Aleks smiled before throwing the Poke Ball sky high and said “Come on out Nova!” The Poke Ball opened in midair and in a flash of light a Caterpie comes out. “How did you know what it was going to be?” “I didn’t know. I left it up to fate.” Aleks kneeled down to look at the Caterpie better. “Hello Nova. My name is Aleks. It is nice to meet you.” Aleks extended his arm out letting the Caterpie climb onto it. “Aleks, that is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen and I’ve seen your mother clean your shirt.” “That was one time and it was chocolate not poop.” “Suuure it was Aleks. Suure it was.” Aleks sighed before saying “Sin hop on.” Sin then hopped onto Aleks’ shoulder. “Well I think I’m done training for today.” “Wait already?” Aria quickly got up before saying “But I need more training! Oops. I mean you need to train your Caterpie until it evolves!” Aleks chuckled a little before saying “Oh don’t worry Aria. I got the next gym in the bag! Would you like me to wait until you’re done training? I wouldn’t mind.” Aria smiled and replied “Sure! You’re going to be the first to watch my Festival winning performance!” Aleks sat down with his attention turned to Aria. “Impress me.” Aria giggled before replying “Oh I’ll do that and so much more.”
...I won't show you guys her performance until the chapter after this, but after Aria shows her performance…
 “Impressive, though it needs a tweak of improvement. I know you can master those techniques Ari." Aria hit Aleks on the head and yelled at him, "DON'T CALL ME ARI!" After traveling back to the Pokémon Center they rested for a while and headed straight for the contest hall.
 "Excuse me miss, can I sign up for the contest please?" She asked calmly. "Of course, what Pokémon would you like to enter?" the lady at the counter asked. " I need more than one Pokémon? Would you suggest more?" “You don’t need more than one Pokémon, but it is recommended having a variety so your opponent doesn't know all your moves if you use them in the opening performance."
Aria then stood in front of her with a blank expression, "Excuse me one moment please." She walked over to Aleks. "Hey Ale-" “No." "You don't even-" "You want to use Sin and Nova right?" Aria was slightly shocked and so was I. How the heck did he know? I mean I'm the narrator and I don't even know. "...Well yeah but...please Aleks!" Aleks knowing how determined his best friend was sighed and said as firmly as he could trying not to let defeat sound in his voice, “…I expect you to clean them if they get dirty.” Aleks then turned to his two new Pokémon and asked if they would be willing to work Aria. They both looked at each other before looking back at Aleks, nodding. “Vui!” “Rah rah!” "Thanks so much you I love you guys!" Aleks returned both Sin and Nova to their Poke Balls. Aleks looked at the two Poke Balls before handing them over to Aria. She then ran up to the counter, registered, and then dragged Aleks to the stands.

  “See Aleks! The stage where I’ll get my first ribbon! I can’t wait!” With each word her grip on Aleks’ hand tightened. “Ari. You’re going to crush my hand.” Realizing what Aleks had just said she let go. “Sorry about that. Also stop calling me Ari.” “I might stop. You know you should learn how to control your excitement. It’s fine being excited and all, but you let it go out of control sometimes.” “Give me one time when that happened.” “How about back home when we were going to see Professor Green?” Aria went quiet at Aleks’ comment and sat down. Aleks started to wonder if something he said had upset her. “Aleks…I’m sorry I dragged you out here. We could’ve split up at that first route, but I forced you to come with me….I’m just a bother aren’t I?” Aleks couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The braver and more outgoing one of the two admitting she was annoying? Something about that bothered Aleks to the point where he could punch something. Before losing his temper he quickly regained his composure and sat next to Aria. Both remained silent until Aleks broke the silence. “If you were that much of an annoyance to me I would’ve left the first chance I got.” Aria looked at Aleks about to say something, but Aleks continued his mini-monologue. “You’ve been my best friend for how long? I don’t think there wasn’t a time we weren’t dreaming of going on our journeys, or covered in mud.” Aria chuckled at the mention of mud. Aleks took in a deep breath before continuing. “Aria, you may have enough excitement to be a walking party, but in no way are you a bother. If anything I’m the bothersome one. Hell I wouldn’t have gone on this damn journey if it wasn’t for you forcing me out of my house. I probably would still be at the breeding farms helping Professor Green.” Aleks closed his mouth realizing how stupid and cliché that must’ve sounded. Aria smiled and hugged Aleks catching him off guard causing him to flinch. “Thanks Aleks. It’s a good thing you’re such a downer. When I’m sad it makes me feel I should help you out.” “…For some reason I feel slightly offended.” Aria laughed at this before letting go. Thanks for your help Aleks. Seriously.” “Thank me later after you win this.” “Oh that’s right. I had nearly forgotten.” “Good luck Aria. I’m sure you’ll blow away the competition.” “Of course I’ll win!” Aleks smiled sincerely and said “There’s that Aria I grew up with.”
"Well that was a fun ending, a bit of character development, and well you'll see her first performance in the new chapter so later everyone!"

Co-written with :iconderpaloidlen:

"Yes a pokemon story combining everything from manga, games, and anime. Hope you guys like!
Aria is based on :iconderpaloidlen: and Aleks is based off me...Kind of.
We will also be posting on my YouTube channel us reading this fanfiction.
Sorry for the cussing.
Sorry for the format.

Pokemon (C) Game Freak and Nintendo"
© 2013 - 2024 Lost-Fonon-Drive
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